Another ICON has come and gone, and this was my eleventh. Has it really been eleven years since I first entered the convention scene!?
This was definitely an eventful con, not only for me, but for the entire family.
I got to see some great friends I rarely get the chance to, met new friends and contacts, and even shared a signing table with the amazing and hilarious Jim C. Hines (pictured) because apparently Barnes & Noble didn't learn their lesson after the last time.
My Papa Emeritus cosplay won "Best Overall" in the Masquerade, which caught me by surprise! After the Masquerade, Logan, Logan's girlfriend, her mother Ash, and I took played and won a hard-fought game of "Phen Feud." It was Deadpool vs Deadpool as the "Baby Sharks" took on "The Amandas." As you can imagine, hilarity ensued.
Although Zavier didn't attend, his artwork did, and he won a prize in the student division of the ICON art show for his gorgeous wooden fox piece that I have been coveting since he first brought it home from school. Since Zavier has started college and is working, Logan has donned the red tights and taken over "Pancakes with Deadpool" on Sunday morning in the consuite. This year, however, he was joined by his girlfriend who sported an adorable Gwenpool-themed dress made by her mother, Ash Robertson. The kids went through nearly fifteen pounds of pancakes to feed a long line of hungry convention attendees. Both are looking forward to taking on the same task at Demicon.
Well, as you can imagine, I'm dead tired from a long weekend that started Thursday afternoon, so my nice, comfy bed calls to me.